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The product is supplied by the ONLY true manufacturer of the REAL undiluted "Paramao Oil" and sold worldwide by the

Sole International Agents  -  Jenny & Adam

Paramao Oil

About Paramao Root Oil

Paramao - Massage Oil

​Australian Agent

Importing from Bali since 2013

The history of Paramao as originally explained by Udin the supplier:

Over four hundred years ago, as tradition has it, a villager discovered that by rubbing a leaf from a particular tree on his swollen and painful joints he received considerable relief. This tree was known as the Lawang Tree and discovered on two small islands on the Indonesian Archipelago which made Paramao's Root Oil very rare indeed!
Considering there are more than 17 000 islands that constitute Indonesia, it gave them a very valuable product with which to barter with among other islands. It wasn't long before villagers discovered the art of distilling the leaves, bark and root of this tree, which then became known as the  Paramao Tree. Over a period of time they discovered many other uses for the oil. Through word of mouth Paramao Oil became available throughout Bali. Paramao Oil has to date been almost impossible to replicate. The source of this oil is a very jealously guarded secret by the villagers that produce it.

Previous owner incorrectly stated ingredients in Paramao Root Oil.

Udin has now divulged the secret ingredients of his product Paramao. It is actually made of 4 Trees/plants all distilled to make this amazing product. Still the same just some of the secret has been let out.

Shop Now
Udin, our Balinese supplier
Udin our Paramao supplier

Paramao Root Oil suppliers in Bali
Udin & Budi
Paramao Oil stall in Bali

Udin selling Paramao's amazing root oil

Paramao Oil (Bali Oil) stall at The Bali Spirit Festival
Bali Spirit Festival
The Paramao tree growing in the plantation
The Plantation
Paramao Root Oil massage for pain & inflammation

Paramao - massage oil for

relaxation & relief

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